En el mundo actual dependemos casi por completo de la energía para cubrir la mayoría de nuestras necesidades, desde la generación de electricidad, pasando por el transporte, hasta la generación de calor. La electricidad ocupa un rol importantísimo en este escenario, debido a que la sociedad moderna depende fuertemente de ella, llegando a incluso a paralizarse cuando el sistema eléctrico falla. En este sentido, la seguridad energética se ha convertido en …

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The modern struggle to generate electricity reducing our dependence on fossil fuels and decreasing greenhouse gas emissions has found an ally in Smart Grid technology. This new trend involves a renewed perspective on how to generate, transmit, distribute and manage electricity networks, which not only helps to reduce power demand and cost, but can also improve efficiency, reliability, quality and security. This paper aims to study …

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El vehículo eléctrico se caracteriza principalmente por su notable eficiencia y la nula emisión de gases de efecto invernadero a la atmósfera, versus su contra-parte de combustión interna. Sin embargo, ante un posible escenario de ingreso masivo de vehículos eléctricos al mercado mundial, las redes eléctricas deben estar preparadas para la conexión masiva de estos, ya sea para la recarga de la batería o para brindar servicios eléctricos a la red bajo el esquema …

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Solar radiation and wind data play an important role in renewable energy projects to produce electricity. In Ecuador, these data are not always available for locations of interest due to absences of meteorological stations. In the scope of this paper, a low-cost automatic meteorological station prototype based on Raspberry technology was developed to measure the aforementioned variables. The objective of this paper is twofold: a) to present a proposal for the design of a low-cost automatic …

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Noise pollution is an emerging and challenging problem of all large metropolitan areas, affecting the health of citizens in multiple ways. Therefore, obtaining a detailed and real-time map of noise in cities becomes of the utmost importance for authorities to take preventive measures. Until now, these measurements were limited to occasional sampling made by specialized companies, that mainly focus on major roads. In this paper, we propose …

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The increase of the automotive fleet, industrial development, and human activities cause environmental pollutions in the air, damaging people’s health. In this context, large cities incorporate central air monitoring that allow measuring air pollution levels, but in general, these central air monitoring are high-cost and they are few. In this paper, we to develop a system for monitoring air quality in urban environments applying low-cost solutions based on the IoT

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Air pollution monitoring has become an essential requirement for cities worldwide. Currently, the most extended way to monitor air pollution is via fixed monitoring stations, which are expensive and hard to install. To solve this problem, we have developed EcoSensor, a solution to monitor air pollution through mobile sensors. It is deployed with off-the-shelf hardware such as Waspmote (based on the Arduino platform), low-end sensors, and Raspberry Pi devices…

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La importancia de la iluminación en los espacios de trabajo y/o estudio es cada vez más evidente. Para muchos es desconocido que un exceso o déficit de los niveles de iluminación puede resultar perjudicial para la salud. Organizaciones tales como la Organización Internacional del Trabajo (OIT), Instituto Ecuatoriano de Seguridad Social (IESS), entre otras, han establecido indicadores de iluminación óptimos para diferentes espacios …

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The Ecuadorian electricity sector has undergone several changes during the past decade. The objective of this paper is twofold: a) to show how the Ecuadorian electricity sector has evolved from 2007 to 2017, and b) to discuss the relationship between energy policies and their impacts on electricity supply, management, tariffs, and the country’s economy. Although oil remains as the main energy source and the leading driver for economic revenue, several hydropower projects …

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The modern struggle to generate electricity reducing our dependence on fossil fuels and decreasing greenhouse gas emissions has found an ally in Smart Grid technology. This new trend involves a renewed perspective on how to generate, transmit, distribute and manage electricity networks, which not only helps to reduce power demand and cost, but can also improve efficiency, reliability, quality and security. This paper aims to study …

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